FLO London Sustainability Talks with Stuart Edmonds

Plastic is ingrained in our everyday life. Some plastics can be reused or recycled and play a vital role in areas of our lives. However other items such as straws and plastic bags are designed for one use only. More than 40 per cent of plastics are used only once before they are thrown away, where it lingers in the environment for years and years. These items often break down into smaller micro plastics, which can be ingested by both animals and humans. Plastics also play a large role in the global warming effect, with almost all plastics made from chemical that come from the burning of fossil fuels like gas, oil and coal.  Steps to resolving the issue can include, eliminating the use of single use plastic plastic bags, straws, and bottles, recycling when we can.

We sat down with Stuart Edmonds to discuss his month long battle to stamp out single use plastic from his daily routine.       

For more on going plastic free, head over to the Plastic Free July Website and take the challenge.