Vol. 2: things Londoners love to complain about

Complaining about things is a typical British trait, it helps to unify us together in a sense of collective dread. Complaining is a key part of the daily ritual when living in London a ritual some may say is a great source of stress relief, and we could not agree more! 

 This week in Things Londoner Lover to Complain About



Like any major city, tourists are excruciatingly painful to watch. And it is even more painful when you realise (whilst on holiday) that you are the irritant. We definitely appreciate the money brought into London from tourists, but we still can’t help but complain about them.

Witnessing a group of tourists is exactly like watching an adult school trip – utter chaos. The rucksacks, the hats, the selfie sticks, the maps, the cameras, even the iPads being used as cameras (?).

Note to any tourists: please try to avoid the tube during rush hour, especially if you don’t know where you’re going and are trying to ask people on how to get somewhere – no one will help you.


House prices 

House prices in the city are spiralling upwards at a rapid rate. Affordable housing in London looks like £600,000 at the lowest possible point. And that’s probably for a smelly studio flat. 


Brexit, O Brexit the bane of our lives.


It’s happening,

it’s not happening,


it’s going to be hard,

or maybe a bit soft?



Or, just maybe no deal?


The pound has gone up hurrah,

Oh, now it’s gone down


We can’t keep up,

And our legs hurt from all these marches.


David and Teresa and Boris and Brexit please, realise

We have had enough.


Busy weekends

With drinks on Friday, two birthday events on Saturday, brunch on Sunday… we all love to complain about how busy our weekends are and how we never get time to ourselves and how quickly the weekend whizzes past. Yet, you will again find yourself on Saturday night, three drinks down creating a similarly jam-packed weekend the next week. FOMO you say…


The cost of  EVERYTHING

Rent, food, clothes, drinks …Everything in London is just so damn expensive,  but you couldn’t possible live anywhere else.

Have you got any pressing complaints of your own?

Click here to send us your complaints titled ‘Your Fix: Things Londoners Love to Complain About’ .

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