Vol. 3: things Londoners Love to complain about

Complaining about things is a typical British trait, it helps to unify us together in a sense of collective dread. Complaining is a key part of the daily ritual when living in London a ritual some may say is a great source of stress relief, and we could not agree more! 

This week in Things Londoner Lover to Complain About


 Wi-Fi not connecting 

We all know that blood boiling levels of stress we experience when we can’t connect to any Wi-Fi, 4G is down and frankly the world is coming to an end.  We don’t know about you guys but one simply cannot get around London without the trusted city mapper or Google maps.



There are a few things that we all expect as a standard when expecting a delivery, and most often never happen:

  • The delivery person turns up in the stated hours.

  • The delivery person actually knocks on the door / rings the bell instead of just leaving a sarcastic card saying ‘sorry we missed you’…

  • The delivery person actually hands you the parcel instead of lobbing your nice new Topshop coat over your fence, and you think it was stolen, until you find it in a tree in your garden two weeks later.

  • The delivery person hides your parcel in your requested safe place instead of leaving your HUGE box underneath your doormat.


Cold callers 

Everyone hates a cold call. Especially those that start with a hello, you respond, and then a robot responds. No thank you.

Or, what’s worse is the popular, “we hear you’ve been involved in a car accident” when you most definitely live in London and definitely don’t even know how to drive.


Hidden charges 

£15.99 it says. But somehow when you go to check out there’s an extra £2.50 booking fee, £1 guilt-trip donation to a charity, and £6 delivery. What first world hell is this?

And don’t get us started with hotel Wi-Fi fee…. Is it too much to ask for free Wi-Fi!


 Bad customer service

Bad customer service is essentially equivalent to slapping someone directly in the face and simply will not be tolerated. We are no strangers to the TripAdvisor review section.


Have you got any pressing complaints of your own?

Click here to send us your complaints titled ‘Your Fix: Things Londoners Love to Complain About’ .


Your FixMaawura Totoe